After Covid and long Covid and an actual cold, I was able to breathe today on the East Boulder Trail. I would describe what that’s been like, but I don’t wish for you to live through my winter of discontent.

The deep breathing of a distance run filled my ears with a contented sound that filled my soul.

It helped to be surrounded by views of trees and lakes and the Indian Peaks.

I thought about my family chat with Ellie and some others that began last night and continued into the morning.

She’d just heard that Talabama criminalized in vitro fertilization.  She was upset and in combat mode.

Combat-mode is what I call her when she chats like a sailor.  I guess that makes it a euphemism.

I told her I didn’t like it and relentlessly tapped out words like eloquence until the fierce warrior yielded to her father and began to chat how he wanted to chat.

She made good points from there and last night’s epic IVF family chat bled into the morning.

More good points were made by others in the chat.  Seems like there’s a whole lot of good reasons to support IVF and help Alabama find a new religion while we’re at it.

Neill Young had it right.