Through the summer and fall of 2023, I was the running Ed. With this post, I am making it known that I am now the intellectual Ed. I have given up my running pursuits and will finish out the year reading and writing. Not that I have a choice in the matter.

I edited this photo to crop out the sling cradling my arm at this weekend’s neighborhood Christmas party. I’m not happy being hog-tied. For the most part, I’m not a very proud person, but I don’t like to appear physically weak. We all have our issues.

I’ll admit to being mildly depressed the first couple of weeks with this injury. I’m not proud of that either. I can be quick to feel sorry for myself, but I believe I have moved on. I’ve significantly increased my rate of reading, and am putting more cycles into writing my novel.

Many of my friends and neighbors are quite athletic; some are mountain bikers, most are runners. There was much talk about upcoming trail races and it was painful to know I couldn’t register to run any of them. I might go along though to crew them. I enjoy that.

Mending physically will take time and I am not a particularly patient person. As long as I am advancing in one of my interest areas though, I’ll be fine.