When people see me with the sling on my arm, they invariably ask if I fell off my bike. I tell them no, I fell off my feet. This x-ray shows my left clavicle, broken in five places, but perfectly aligned so it didn’t have to be reset. My orthopedist gave me good news after reviewing the x-ray, stating that surgery will be unlikely.

Most of the pain abated after a week. And I was mildly depressed for two weeks, knowing that all of my physical conditioning will be gone by the time this heals. But I’m starting to move on. I’m reading and writing more. And I have discovered that I can do squats, so that’s something.

I’m drinking bone broth to rebuild collagen. And I’m watching my diet. I decided against planning for another ultra because it just makes me depressed. Next year, when I’m healed, I’ll think about running again.