It occurred to me this week that I’ve never run a 100K ultra. I ran a 50K (31 miles) about ten years ago. That was fun. This should be twice as fun.

I’m considering the Bandera 100K in the Texas Hill Country in January. Where the sotol cactus sing and the runners scream. Seriously, runners have to sign a waiver to not sue the race organizer after bleeding out from sixty-two miles of slashes from the sotol cactus that line the trail. Sotol isn’t actually a cactus, but it’ll take you out if you fall into one.

Thinking that I could run a 100K is pretty wild dreaming at this point, but I’m excited thinking about it. I ran a local trail today that has characteristics of the Texas Hill Country. I might not commit until I see how I do in the Boulder Marathon in October, but for now, it’s good to have goals. Ran ten Friday evening and nine this morning on the rocky Wapiti Trail where I imagined I was running through the Hill Country.