My brother spied a BMW M440i xDrive online Friday night and just had to have it. Problem was, he was in Austin and it was in Spokane. No problem for a single guy though. He hopped on a flight and purchased it from the dealer by 7pm Pacific time. I’m not a gear head so I don’t quite get that. My neighborhood is rated 62 walkable and 69 bikable on Zillow, so Karen and I have been a one-car family for years. Steve and I walked to breakfast this morning.

He stopped by my house in Colorado this am on his drive home. I didn’t think to take a pic so here’s a photo of us together a few years ago at Gueros Taco Bar.

I couldn’t wait for Steve to leave so I could get my run in. With all the rain, the irrigation ditches are running strong. Perfect for dipping my hat into to cool off.